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9 OZ 100% SOY WAX - Reiki Charged/Crystal Infused

Affirmation: “I allow blessings into my life. I am grateful.”

Aroma/Herb/Crystals: Ginger, Saffron, Llang llang, Amber / Cedar / Lepidolite

Gratitude is the antidote for jealousy, envy, and feelings of lack.  Being grateful can enlighten one to see the beauty in what is versus missing out on or taking for granted the blessings that already exist.

With this candle, allow your soul to connect to the high vibration of gratitude and as you do so bring more and more to your life to be thankful for and to celebrate eternally.


Every Flowlife candle is activated with REIKI ENERGY through Meditation, Visualization and Sound Vibration. Each candle is hand poured.

Burn candles within sight. Keep away from flammable objects. Keep away from children and pets.


SKU: 0005
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